The Duke of Edinburgh is an internationally acclaimed award that has been running for more than 60 years. Designed for students between the ages of 14 -24 years old, this program aims to empower students to learn and grow through non-formal education, all while working towards a globally recognized accreditation. The award facilitates young adults to:

  •   Stay physically and mentally healthy

  •   Connect safely with others

  • Give back to the community

  • Embrace structure and purpose

  • Readjust to formal education

 This internationally recognized program for young people helps build their skills to equip them for life, work and the real world. It allows people to develop skills, get physically active, give service and experience adventure, hence playing a critical role in their personal and professional development.

 Each Award is different and involves a range of activities students can choose from. Built to explore young adults’ individual potential, The Duke of Edinburgh offers young people a structure to fulfill their passions and ambitions in a way that suits them. Apart from the requirements for each Section, and the safety training requirements for the Adventurous Journey Section, the activities a Participant chooses to undertake is entirely up to them. They have the freedom to progress through the Award according to their personal needs and abilities. There are no limits to watch you can achieve!